FreeCity Introduction Free City supports the most robust User Aggregation Platform for web 3. With the excitement surrounding Web 3 drawing the attention of crypto enthusiasts and NFTs, SocialFi, GameFi, and DeFi providing an alternate source of income and investment, the space is seeing unprecedented growth in worldwide awareness and adoption. However, only a small percentage of the planet has adapted to this new environment. Because of the growing interest in blockchain’s possibilities, corporate users, not just Web 3 projects, but also established players, have been actively promoting NFTs to ensure that they are visible. For both players, it appears that identifying and retaining loyal users is a difficult task. By playing a unique role in fixing this issue, Free City hopes to duplicate its success from the Web 2.0 period. Business users can sell their products more effectively via audio room events / moments, ad-free but with Free City’s backing, thanks to our strong united commun...